yasha butler

"At last, I feel like I can actually do this!"

case study

read her fascinating journey

i felt stuck

major achievements

mar 2018-Sep 2018

Before TAW I felt very stuck. I knew I was creating interesting work, but I had NO idea how to actually sell my work - how to reach people, how to figure out what people really wanted, how to make people trust me enough to invest in the things that I created.

I invested in TAW because I wanted someone to tell me step by step what I needed to do.

At last, I feel like I can actually do this! I sold out of every piece during my Instagram Live Sale, which was a huge confidence builder. I also feel like I now know how to survey my audience to figure out what they want. I haven't yet launched my online shop but for the first time I have a plan and I actually know what I need to do!

Sold out of every piece on Instagram Live sale

Ready to launch online shop

intro to creative entrepreneurship & business

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Come on, now. Do we really need to answer this question? She is her and you are you and there is no possible way to repeat exact successes without doing severe damage to you and your creative calling. You are not meant to do what she's done. Not because of any silly idea about who is more talented or inherently more valuable, but because you are unique, and so is your destiny. So we won't be cookie-cutter-ing you. If you feel a desire to accomplish similar things, that's great. Most of all, take that as a sign that you desire to do something as big and grand as this wonderful person, not that you want to do exactly what she's done.

The current marketing ways teach us that if we buy the exact things we will get exact results. This leads to pain. Instead, pay attention to how you feel. How you feel inspired as you realize that success is possible. And this is what it's looked like for her. But yours? Oh, my dear. It's going to be so much more beautiful than what you're even imagining now. Promise.

Founder of the EN School of Creative Entrepreneurship

I've been working with creative entrepreneurs for four years, helping thousands of people get clarity on their purpose by finding their Heart Story, and helping hundreds of creatives launch their businesses with my unique, creative processes. It's still unbelievable to me sometimes that using these methods has helped people to do things like make hundreds of thousands of dollars, buy their home, become the breadwinners for their families, tell their story in their own voice, sell out painting collections, and so much more.

I started my business in a small New York City apartment after my husband and I were both unemployed. I took some Home Depot supplies and opened a photography styling shop online. That morphed into consulting and coaching, and I've been obsessed with the intersection of creativity and entrepreneurship ever since.

I created The EN School of Creative Entrepreneurship because I believe that you have something deep within you that you are meant to create. And yet, most of the help out there is either creativity focused and shirks business, or business focused and doesn't understand the creative heart. And you're left to do most of the translating between the two worlds alone.

Without the marriage of these two things, and without people around me to support me, my business progress failed over and over again. But once I figured out how to align creativity and business, and fostered relationships with kindred spirits, everything changed.

I am living a creative life, I am the breadwinner for my family, and I am so excited for what I am building. I feel deeply that I am creating what I'm meant to create, which is the short answer for why I created this school. She wanted to be created, and she chose me. 

In The EN School of Creative Entrepreneurship, I am not playing the mentor-who-knows-everything. Instead, I see myself as the gardener who nurtures the soil, turns on the sprinklers, checks on the plants, talks to them, closes the gates, prunes the fruit trees, researches and intuits obsessively about how to bring more abundance and joy into the garden, and shares her experience when it's relevant. I show up here for you because I believe in what you are creating. 

I can't wait to support you in your dreams.

Who's Emma Natter?

Full-Time Student Enrollment Deadline: Sep 3

Now Enrolling for Fall Term

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